The following shows of recommended Donau - Alpe - Adria Plein Air painting locations .
The photos are simply representative as all of these sites have multiple painting options.
A simply intended to be helpful to those unfamiliar with the area. Specially those outsider :)
Focus on # historical architecture # foodsources # hiden places # waterareascenery #
Locations are organized into following Areas Landscape
Styria Area + Graz Plein Air Painting Locations
Graz - Center & Urban , surroundings
Styria North w&e
Styria South w&e
Landscape & Seascape
Italy , Plein Air Painting Locations
Slovenia , Plein Air Painting Locations
Croatia Plein Air Painting
Other Austrian Plein Air Painting Locations like Vienna,Salzburg,Innsbruck Image 0/N
Graz City & Urban and Surrounding
Clocktower C G.Turismus
Styria North
Tragöß C G.Pölzl
Styria South
South of Styria G. by E.Elsneg
Italy , Plein Air Painting Locations
Miramare Trieste C Tourismus
Slovenia , Plein Air Painting Locations
Mumjan tower C .Turismus
Croatia Plein Air Painting Locations
Pula Amphie theater G.Turismus
all Photo belong to there owners and there Copyrights.
more Watercolor paintings